Zumba After Quarantine–8 Quick Observations

My local YMCA re-opened this week with all group fitness classes held outdoors. Zumba was a big part of my lifestyle before the Novel Coronavirus put everyone in quarantine, and I was craving that stress outlet.

For those eagerly awaiting the reopening of your favorite gym or workout spot, here was my first post-Coronavirus adventure into group fitness.

  1. Some of the faces I used to see in every Zumba class were missing. Normally, I wouldn’t worry. In light of the pandemic, I found myself sending positive vibes out to anyone who may have been impacted by the virus as well as those whose alarm clocks failed to sound after months of neglect.
  2. Fitness centers can safely conduct business with proper safety measures in place. There has been a lot of controversy over the safety of gyms and fitness centers, but I can say the Gaston County YMCA in Gastonia, North Carolina, did an excellent job of keeping it safe. I did not touch a single thing from the time I left my car to the time I returned. Not even a door handle.
  3. Morning outdoor fitness overlooking a stunning lake and treeline is refreshing. I felt alive again. I’ve spent so much time indoors that just breathing that fresh air was energizing and soothing.
  4. The humidity that comes with NC mornings turns a normal Zumba class into Hot Zumba. That brought some lighthearted “complaints” from several of my peers as we walked at a distance back to our cars with bright smiles and sweat-drenched tank tops.
  5. Going two months with limited physical activity takes it’s toll. I have some catching up to do in the stamina department. My legs are already tingling with the threat of severe soreness, and the class was shorter than usual.
  6. Zumba on concrete is slightly more stressful than zumba on indoor surfaces. I felt it in my back a bit more and couldn’t jump as much as I would have indoors. It was difficult to do some of the foot turns due to the extra traction on concrete.
  7. My favorite instructor, Iris, didn’t miss a beat and came armed with a couple new songs. I was quite impressed as I stumbled through songs I once knew by heart. It didn’t take my brain long to catch back up.
  8. You can’t kill the Zumba culture. Two-month forced shut down. Deadly pandemic. Mass hysteria and rioting. Zumba is still there to make it all a blur for 45–60 minutes.